With Invoice Maker, you are able to add and store all of your client data in your secure dashboard. By adding and saving your clients’ information, you will be able to invoice, communicate with, and monitor the payment activity for each of your clients with ease.
From your Invoice Maker dashboard, simply follow the prompts to add a client:
- Click on Clients
- Click New Client
- Enter the Client Details
- Click Add Client
You can also add a client while creating your invoice.
From the Create dropdown:
- Choose your document type
- For example, from the "Create Invoice" screen - Click the section labeled Bill To
- Add New Client Information
- Click Save
**You can add an existing client to the invoice being made or simply add that client's information to your dashboard for later use.
Once you've added your client's contact information, you can add pertinent client details under that specific client's "Details" page by clicking on that client from the Client tab. You can also track and view how much each client has paid you and how much is outstanding (owed to you).