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Payments Overview

From your Invoice Maker account dashboard, you are able to manage your payments received outside the Invoice Maker system, and through our 3rd Party Payment Processors, e.g. Stripe.


Manual Payments

Definition: A manual payment is a cash, check or "other" payment that a business owner has received outside of the Invoice Maker system. The purpose is to track payments and balances when a payment has been received outside our system, either by cash, check, or "other", which could be anything such as a payment made by Paypal, cashApp, Venmo, etc.

Manual Payment Requirements:

Business Owner Input

  1. User has to manually input payment type and amount
  2. Payment Amount: required field
  3. Payment Date: required field. The payment date defaults to the current date it is updated
  4. Payment Method: Cash, Check, Other (required field)
  5. Internal Payment Note: plain text field for whatever the user wants (e.g. check number, specify "other" method (not required field). "Internal Payment Note" lets the user know only they will see the note


  1. Invoice Total: Total before any payments. This is always displayed as "Invoice Total"
  2. Paid to Date: The amount currently paid to date, displayed as "Paid to Date"
  3. Balance Due: Invoice total - Paid to date, displayed as "Balance Due"


  1. An invoice remains Unpaid until the balance is paid-in-full, and there is a $0.00 balance due
  2. Refund is used for invoices that have the entire balance refunded
  3. Partially Refunded is used when a partial payment is refunded

Partial Payments

Definition: any payment amount entered against a balance due that is less than the total amount due


  1. Recipient will always be presented with a payment screen that is auto-filled with the total amount due to the entire invoice
  2. Recipient will always be able to enter a lower amount
  • cash - amount
  • check - amount - check #
  • other - note field (Venmo, cashApp, Paypal, etc.)
  • collect deposit
  • collect partial payment
  • refund deposits and partial payments

Deposits: default amount on the first payment is only the deposit amount

Refund: If a refund is not for the total amount, the status = partially refunded. If a refund is for the full amount, status = refunded


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