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Invoice Status

New Invoices

No status is applied when a user makes a new invoice. If a user applies any status to an invoice before saving it, that will automatically trigger a save.


Draft: If you save an invoice but it has not been sent to anyone. Invoice status moves to unpaid once the invoice is sent to someone.

Unpaid: Once you send an invoice to someone, it is automatically categorized as unpaid. Changing an invoice status from unpaid to paid will be done manually unless you are processing payments through one of Invoice Maker’s 3rd party Payment Processors, then it will categorize automatically as unpaid until payment is made in full.

Paid: You will mark the invoice as paid in the status dropdown menu manually if collecting payment directly. If you are processing payments through one of Invoice Maker’s 3rd Party Payment Processors, this status will categorize automatically as paid once payment is made in full, and the invoice reflects a $0.00 balance due.

Refunded: If you refund a customer, you must manually update the status to refunded. Draft invoices cannot be refunded because they have not been sent. If you are processing payments through one of Invoice Maker’s 3rd Party Payment Processors, this status will update manually if you refund the payment through the Payment Processor.

Void: An invoice that has already been sent to someone that needs to be canceled. You cannot delete an invoice that has already been sent to someone, so void would be your only option to keep the invoice in your records. Draft invoices cannot be voided, only deleted.

Deleted: When you delete a draft invoice, the status is also deleted.

Example Scenarios:

Scenario 1:

Joel creates an invoice to bill Invoice Maker for website design and immediately clicks on "send" to send the invoice. This invoice is automatically classified as unpaid until Ryan changes it.

Scenario 2:

Invoice Maker reached out to Joel because the invoice they received was short by 5 hours. Joel goes to his invoices page, clicks on the invoice, and marks it as void. Joel then creates a new invoice for the additional 5 hours, but this time he downloads the invoice instead of sending it so he can just email Invoice Maker the PDF. This new invoice is automatically marked as unpaid since the platform assumes that the download action is the same as sending an invoice.

Scenario 3:

Joel received payment from Invoice Maker for the new invoice he sent. Joel likes to keep track of his accounting, so he goes into the invoice and marks it as paid.

Scenario 4:

Joel creates a new invoice for a new client that contains 15 hours of design work. Joel is not ready to send the new client their invoice for another 5 days, so he just saves the invoice. This invoice becomes a draft. In 5 days, Joel realizes he needs to add 5 hours to this invoice. Joel navigates to his invoices page, finds the draft, clicks on "edit invoice", adds 5 hours, and sends the invoice. This invoice becomes unpaid.

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