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How Do I Create Recurring Invoices?

Need to send out invoices on a regular basis? Invoice Maker makes it easier than ever to set them up automatically. You are able to create and schedule Recurring Invoices under our Pro Plan! 


Create Recurring Invoices.gif


Steps to Create a Recurring Invoice Series under our Pro Plan:

  1. Click on Create
  2. Select Recurring Invoice
  3. Add all Pertinent Data pertaining to the recurring invoice
    • Set your End Date
    • Schedule the frequency of the automatic delivery
    • Set your payment terms (due date for each invoice) 
  4. Select a client from the Bill To dropdown menu
  5. Enter the Item, Price, and Quantity of the products or services being invoiced
  6. To add multiple items, click Add Item
  7. Click Preview & Activate

From the "Preview" page, you can view the initial draft invoice from the recurring series. Invoice Maker automatically populates the invoice numbers for each recurring invoice and provides generic messaging for your email body each time it is sent. However, this messaging is fully customizable, so you can adjust the email subject and create your customized email message. 

Recurring Invoice Preview.jpg

You can accept payments directly for each recurring invoice based on your selected payment methods from your "Payment Methods" tab under "Settings." Set it and forget it!!!

If you aren't currently subscribed to our Pro Plan, you have the option to upgrade at any time under your "Subscriptions" tab. 


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